In 2010, the Calvary Orphan Outreach Ministry (John and Kim Silverberg) joined forces with the Community Church of Faith (Pastor Sam Magumba) in Jinja, Uganda to create a partnership that would serve vulnerable and abandoned children in the church's local community.  The initial partnership covenant was to take care of  the 23 orphans that resided on the church property, but by mid-2016 this partnership has grown to include the Greater Love Nursery and Primary School, the Greater Love Community Church, and the Greater Love Medical Centre.

This partnership has created an incredibly effective solution that allows our ministry to work alongside the indigenous church by providing monthly financial support, prayer support, gifts in kind as needed, as well as sending ministry outreach teams to Uganda to engage in the day-to-day work of ministering to the local orphans in their community.  The members of the our ministry believe that it is the will of God for His church to respond to the needs of the abandoned and vulnerable children of this world.

The partnership has hosted more than 18 mission teams to Uganda in an effort to serve the least of these in Pastor Sam's church community. We encourage anyone who feels called to serve to contact the ministry for joining us on a future mission trip.  

​John & Kim Silverberg-US Partners

Pastor Sam Maguma - Uganda Partner

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27​

Meet the Orphans

Greater Love Ministry Partners - US and Uganda Unite